What are your first thoughts when I say the word, (insert dramatic pause), EMAIL? I may be revealing your age here, but do you think of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan writing back and forth to each other in You’ve Got Mail? Gosh, that was a good movie. Right? I mean, you could be thinking, ummmm, Monique, I haven’t invested time in email, since, well, since I got rid of my Blackberry. Oh my, please tell me you remember the Blackberry phone. The bottom line, I need to know one of three things. One, have you ditched email to the curb? Is it totally old school to you now? Two, do you have a love/hate relationship with email? Meaning you use it, but it overwhelms you, and you try not to visit there often. Finally, three, you like it, you love it, and you want some more of it. (True story, Jer and I know the person who wrote that song.) So, do tell. Which one are you?
Our email inbox is like a virtual home in a way. We ask those over we really like because we want to spend time with them. A few strangers show up we’ve never met, and we wonder how they got our address and who in the heck invited them. Maybe a door-to-door salesman pops in from time to time. Let’s be honest, we just pretend we aren’t home and don’t open the door. If we ignore them, maybe they will go away. The home can become quickly cluttered if we neglect it, and yes, we for sure have junk drawers. Oh, and this is simply our permanent residence. We also have an inbox home on Facebook Ave, and a second on Instagram Lane. Am I right, or am I right?
I’m not sure if it’s the fact I’m getting older, or what, but I so want to get back to simple. A virtual home I can house my ideas and creative expressions (website) and a place to send out old-school letters and notes (email). With all the new shiny advancements, it’s like I’m wanting to lace up my corset and jump on the pony express. What is happening to me? I’m not listing my home on Facebook Ave, and Instagram Lane right this second. I’m simply saying, I want to spend more time at this permanent residence, Love, The McLeans. I also want to be that friend who shamelessly invites myself over for a visit. Yep. I would love to pop into your inbox if you are up for company. I promise I won’t drop by daily, but I would like to check in weekly. See how you are doing, chat about the week, and maybe talk about profound things.
I do take our time together very seriously. I’m not sure if you have read the post I did, The Heart Behind Love, The McLeans, but it’s something my husband Jer and I are fully committed to in this next season of our lives. We hit the “mid-life” years, and boy, it makes you laser-focused on what’s important and where you want to invest your time and energy. Writing and connecting with others brings me great joy. Jesus, family, and YOU are who I want to give my very best. I mean that with everything inside of me. I’m not sure you will ever fully know how often you are on my heart and mind.
So, with all that being said, I hope you stop by and pay a visit here often. If you are cool with me stopping by and visiting YOU, pop over here and leave me your name and email. Sigh. I really can’t wait for us to spend more time together. I know we are going to have loads of fun. Alright, if I continue any longer, I may wear out my welcome. Oh, yeah…don’t forget to tell me in the comments what you think about email. Inquiring minds must know!!! Chat soon.