Raise your hand if you have ever pursued a business with a “network marketing” setup. Raise TWO hands if you have a not-so-nice opinion of the business after being in this type of industry. Raise your hand if you have NEVER pursued this type of business because you viewed it in a negative light. Hey, let’s just be open and honest with one another right off the bat.
My husband and I began a journey over a decade ago in network marketing, or the “hip” name these days, “social selling”. I can relate to any of the hand raises above, and have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of this industry. So why have Jer and I decided to STAY working in this industry after leaving a company we were with for 9 years, moving to another company and staying there two years, and YET again finding ourselves in our THIRD company? We both had every intention of stepping away from this industry, but I am SO thankful the Lord had other plans. I would love to discuss it with you here today and give you a glimpse into our vision for our partnership with Amare.
First, I would like to begin by addressing the “concept” of network marketing. I was in the group of people a decade plus ago, who looked at the business model in a negative light. I had zero desire to EVER be in this industry because my husband and I had a not-so-fun encounter with a couple who bugged us to death about being part of a company in the early 2000s. It was the textbook sales pitch, complete with finding something positive in our house to compliment us on, a flip chart with people standing next to expensive cars, and relentlessly pursuing us to go to a convention with them. It was excessive and grated on my every last nerve. Fast forward several years to having a successful storefront in our hometown, I now was on the radar of every individual trying to “grow their team”. I put up a wall, and buddy, you were NOT budging in.
So how did we land in this industry? Well, I was introduced to some products and quickly fell in love with them. I had NO CLUE it was part of this business setup. When I discovered it was, I almost didn’t get connected. I agreed to purchase the items, but NEVER do the business. When I find something I love, it is in my DNA to share it with everyone I know. This is how it all went down. The rest is history. We ended up hitting top ranks in record time and were earning multiple seven figures a year when we ended our time with the company. We are incredibly thankful for our time with this company, the friendships that were made, and the financial blessings it brought. We are 100% confident the Lord directed our steps there, and we are just as confident that He led us out. Since we had never left a multiple seven-figure-a-year job before, we did what we thought was best, and found another company to pursue.
Let’s speed this up because this is about our “Amare” vision, but I feel like it’s good to know a bit about the backstory of how we got here. The second company we were with, we went there because we felt they had an excellent tech setup. The business side looked amazing and the ease of sharing blew my mind. The transition to a new company was brutal. The fallout was a tad bit overwhelming and to top it off, a lot of life was happening. We moved, Jer got super sick, and grandbabies number one, two, three, and four came along, it was the best and worst season. While our business took off, I never could feel fully settled. I decided to step back and rest and recover. We truly had been through a lot. I learned so much during these two years. Two of the hardest years to date in my life, and two that have grown me in ways that a season of unicorns and rainbows could have never done.
The Lord has taught us lessons along the way and I pray we are taking much wisdom from those lessons into this new journey with Amare. Let’s review some of those lessons and then peek at the vision.
- You have GOT to be passionate about the products. Period. I don’t know about you, but I can’t promote something I don’t believe in.
- The culture of the company is super important. This isn’t something most people investigate when they partner with a company, but it’s vital.
- Stick to your gut. If something feels off, listen. If you don’t have peace about something, there’s a reason.
- Don’t allow business dealings to ruin friendships. Protect them at all costs. Fight for it.
- Ask the Lord to give you a specific vision and direction. You are partnering with a company, but partnering with HIM is a game-changer.
- You don’t “own” people in your organization. They have free will to go anywhere they wish and run their business as they wish.
- People don’t leave places where they are happy.
There are many more lessons I learned, but these are some of the top ones that I’ve been thinking about the last few weeks. Let’s move on to what it is we are most excited about and why we chose to step into another company.
- The products are amazing. I’m not sure I have ever taken a product that has helped me in a specific area quite like these products.
- The company focuses on Mental Wellness. I am passionate about this focus.
- People need help in this area more than ever. Thank the Lord it’s being talked about more these days.
- Once I began seeing a difference with the products, I immediately felt everyone on the planet needed to have this in their lives. THAT is how I knew this company was for me.
- We realize no company will ever be perfect, but after meeting with the executives, developers, the founder, and the new owner, well, we had a feeling of peace. I knew it was right.
- I am excited. I know that may be a weird statement, but it’s been a while since I’ve been excited about a product, about a company, about a mission.
- The company is customer-focused through affiliate marketing. This is the way people buy these days. Nothing weird about it. You don’t have to “build” a team if don’t want to.
Let’s talk vision. Jer and I have a specific vision for our Amare business. If you would like to partner with us and walk this out together, hey, bring it.
- We are focusing on the affiliate side of social media. Meaning, you will see us talking a LOT about the products and less about, “Hey, come join our team”. While we will bring it up from time to time, customer/affiliate sales will be our main way of sharing.
- We have a vision for working with health coaches, trainers, storefronts, clinics, practitioners, and places of this nature. I’ve had this vision for a while now, and I believe it’s 100% a God thing.
- Does this mean we don’t want to work with individuals who want to pursue a business? Of course not. While we do have a specific vision for YOU, one of the key ways we want to help you is by helping you with training and resources to connect with these clinics, coaches, and practitioners. It’s a work in progress, but we are having so much fun with it.
- We are going to MAJORLY pursue International Markets. Europe, Mexico, China, Australia, Canada, and many more. Europe has specifically been on our hearts and minds.
FINALLY, for those pursuing a business, we want to help you find YOUR unique vision and help you walk it out happily and healthily. Over the years I’ve talked with way too many people who have been miserable, but super successful. The success came at a cost. I don’t want to help you thrive financially in a mental wellness company, at the cost of your mental wellness. That’s just not going to happen on my watch.
I’m in a unique season. We have found what the world would deem “much success” in business. We have had a LOT of wins and a LOT of losses. We understand what fulfills and what doesn’t. I am very mindful of where I invest my time and energy. I have learned to set boundaries and not let them be crossed. I have allowed my business to trump my health and relationships in the past, that’s just not going to happen again. I am on a mission to walk out a HAPPY AND HEALTHY business and I want to help you do so as well.
A HAPPY AND HEALTHY BUSINESS, that is my vision.
If thoughts of pursuing a business with Amare have been swirling around in your head. Listen to it. For real. I always encourage people to try the products first, even if you want to begin as a customer, that’s fine, switching over to the business is super easy, but I encourage you to not let your past experiences hinder you from your future. Learn from them, YES. Gain wisdom from them, YES, but don’t let looking in the rear-view mirror keep you from driving into the future.
So how do you get connected? Glad you asked. All you have to do is go to my affiliate link here and get the ball rolling. You will choose to be a brand partner and then choose the products you want to begin with. You can buy individual items or a brand partner exclusive bundle. I HIGHLY recommend any of those bundles, they are all phenomenal.
Once you are connected, you will receive a series of emails from me, getting you moving in the right direction, and then you will gain access to a course, THE HAPPY AND HEALTHY BUSINESS.
I am excited this is something you are interested in and look forward to possibly working with you. As always, if the business isn’t your jam, no worries, connect as a customer, and let’s walk out a happy and healthy YOU. Go check out the post ARISE and SHINE: A Happy and Healthy You where we talk about stepping into the best YOU.
Any questions you have, leave them in the comments or send me an email. I’m here for it.