Do you have a vision and direction for the next year of your life? I’m serious. No matter when you are reading this, whether it’s the end of a year, the beginning of a year, or slap dab in the middle, do you have something you are aiming for in life? If not, do you mind me butting in and suggesting a possible option? How about shooting for a HAPPY AND HEALTHY YOU? What would it look like a year from now if you were stronger (happier and healthier) in body (physical health), soul (emotions), and spirit (connection with God)?
I am a huge dreamer. I get it, not everyone considers themselves a massive visionary, and that’s okay, but I believe with everything inside me that we were created to be creative individuals. We each have been given unique gifts, talents, passions, and skill sets to impact the world we are living in for such a time as this. You have a purpose. Yes. I am talking to YOU. If you are reading this, I wish I could stare you right in the eyes and you could hear my audible words telling you I believe in you. You have so much to offer this world. My written words will just have to do. When you are happy and healthy in body, soul, and spirit, you have the foundation needed to tap into those creative ways living inside you.
I have talked to so many people over the last couple of years who have told me they are burnt out, tired, stressed, and anxious. They have no direction. They are confused, lost, and hopeless. They lack motivation and drive. They feel like they once sparkled and shined bright, now they don’t even see a speck of light. They are existing through life, not thriving through life. If this is your story, I hear you and feel you. I have deep empathy for you. I know these feelings far too well. I believe the beauty found in the difficult seasons of life, is the ability to help others when you are on the other side. I recently came out of a hard season and I want to help others “ARISE” out of similar situations and “SHINE” bright. Are you with me?
How is this all going to go down? I’m glad you asked. I was originally going to walk this out with a group of people who were customers of mine in Amare, (a mental wellness company), but I have decided to open this up to anyone and everyone who wants to participate. With that being said, I want to be upfront and honest with things we will be discussing in our time together. First, I need you to know Jesus is a core foundational piece of my life. I can’t talk about arising out of the junk of life and not mention Him. Second, I will be discussing products I have been using that have helped me in major ways. You don’t have to embrace either of these in your own life to partake in our time together, but I do believe it will be a game-changer if you do. 😉
All of this will be beginning on March 1st, 2024. If you would like to ARISE and SHINE as you step into a Happy and Healthy YOU, then drop your email below and we will get you moving in the right direction. This will be coming to you in written and video format via the email you share. I’m so so excited to walk this out with you. This is your year. I BELIEVE IT.

Well I followed you with the oils and wondered where you went. I use Amare but need a good up line (mine quit). I love the products so look forward to January. If you can guide me with Amare, email me at
Thanks and Happy Healthy New Year!