How are you when it comes to daily routines? Are you a huge fan or could you care less? I have to say, the older I get, the more I love me a good daily agenda. It goes hand in hand with my love for notebooks and dry-erase boards. Yep. Nothing better than those two for a good place to house schedules and lists for each day. Please tell me I’m not the only one who stands in the notebook aisle and dry-erase board aisle for entirely too long. We aren’t going to spend our whole time today talking about those two amazing guys, we are going to talk all about my daily Amare routine. Yep. I have a system down of what I take each day, and I am pretty happy with it. “Happy”, see what I did there?
I love it when you step back and see the things you value are getting in your day. It’s like, HELLO, HIGH FIVE GIRL, you go on with your bad self. Hey, we must give ourselves some positive self-talk. It’s good for us. Anyway, I would like to give you a glimpse into my “Amare” daily routine. I take products throughout the day, from the time I wake up, until the time I go to bed. Let’s review them, shall we?
I begin my morning by opening all the curtains, turning on Rob (let me clarify, that’s our iRobot vacuum), starting my diffusers, and mixing up my Happy Juice. I mix it in a 30oz Yeti or Stanley-style Tumbler. Let’s take a deeper look at Happy Juice.
Morning: Happy Juice + Supplements
Happy Juice is a mixture of three products in a glass of water. Let’s look at those three Amare products. I go into much more detail about these three products in Hip Hip Hooray For Happy Juice and will explain what’s in each product and how it works.
- Edge: This product focuses on motivation and metabolism. Edge comes in a grape or watermelon flavor. Also, please take note, it has mango leaf in it. I am allergic to mango, as well as my daughter. She is highly allergic. We both can take this product because we are allergic to the protein in the fruit, not the leaf. Always be cautious if you are allergic, but we have done well with Edge.
- Energy: You will support your physical and mental energy with this product. Energy comes in two flavors, dragon fruit, and pomegranate/lime. The dragon fruit is caffeine-free and sugar-free. Pomegranate/Lime has 55mg of caffeine and 5 grams of sugar. This is not a synthetic caffeine, it’s from matcha green tea. The caffeine doesn’t spike, it’s gradual and I experience no jitters, and I’m sensitive to caffeine. Pomegranate/Lime is my favorite of the two.
- Mentabiotics: Calmness and overall improvement in mood is the focus here. It is recommended to start slowly with this product. Gradually increase to a full scoop over your first month. Start with around 1/4 of a scoop, next week go to around 1/2, and keep increasing. If you are using the stick packets, adjust accordingly as well. I have been using the Kids Fundamentals in place of the Mentabiotics. This is simply my preference, although I will begin alternating the Kids and Mentabiotics over the next month.
Finally, I also add in one packet of Watermelon LMNT. If you have never tried this, you need to get it in your life. LMNT is my favorite electrolytes. If you want to give it a try, my affiliate link here will give you free sample packets, eight to be exact, one of each flavor, when you make your first order. I recommend the $20 variety pack. You get 12 packets, and the bonus of 8 with my link will give you a total of 20 for $20. This is a GREAT DEAL. I always recommend going this route to see which flavor you like best. My favorite is watermelon, with grapefruit coming in second.
Warning: BE SURE YOU SEE THE SAMPLE PACK LOAD TO YOUR CART. If for some reason you don’t receive it, shoot me a message at
Once I have mixed up my Happy Juice, it’s time to move on to my supplements.
- 2 Mood+
- 2 Focus+
- 2 MentaSync
- 2 MentaHeart+
- 1 Sunrise Packet
Let’s take a quick peek at what the benefits are when we utilize these products.
- Mood+: This product is a mix of herbs that works fast and is long-lasting to support your mood. You have rosemary, oregano, clove, and sage, as well as magnolia bark which is known for supporting anxious feelings. There are several other amazing herbs and components that zero in on stress. Huge fan of this product. LIKE HUGE.
- MentaFocus+: If brain fog is an issue you deal with, this is a great product for you. It targets the brain through phytonutrients that improve overall brain activation. This helps with things like cognition, memory, recall, clarity, and creativity. Gets your brain working at a higher level.
- MentaSync: Our focus with this product is on the axis that connects the gut and the brain. Think of it like a cellphone. The more bars of service we have, the better our communication is with the other person on the line. We are fine-tuning our communication between the gut and brain with this product.
- MentaHeart+: Supports the heart/brain axis. I believe this is the one product I have geeked out over the most. I have been monitoring my HRV for over two years now with my WHOOP BAND. This product plays a role in how resilient your body is in dealing with all life throws at it. HRV is a good measurement of this state of your body. I have seen a MAJOR increase in my numbers. Blows my mind.
- Sunrise: Let’s talk superfoods for cellular nourishment. That’s what we are getting with this product. It’s a concentration of superfoods like wild blueberries, ashwagandha, and wolfberries to name a few that help with memory support, stress management, and giving our bodies powerful antioxidants. This is a great way to start your day.
Again, I take all the above right after I wake up. I normally wake up around 5:30 am to 6:00 am. After I take my supplements, I jump into the sauna for thirty minutes. I do this EVERY SINGLE MORNING. It truly is a daily routine.
Midday: Kids Mood+
Around lunch, it’s time for me to break out the Kids Mood+. I take a Kids Mood+ every single day. It’s like a pixy stix, remember those? This is so much better than a pixy stix though; it works on mood, focus, and resilience. The base is a prebiotic fiber that helps your gut bacteria produce the neurochemicals that work on focus and resilience. There are some amazing herbs thrown in that help across the gut-brain axis. Rosemary for focus, oregano for antioxidants, holy basil for stress, and saffron for mood. Have you studied the benefits of saffron? Ummmm, we could be here for days talking about that. Bottom line, there are some cool clinical studies on this product, and I am officially in love forever and ever and always with Kids Mood+.
Evening: Kids Calm and/or Sleep+
We might as well keep on with the line for kids. We are on a roll here. The quality of our sleep is just as important, if not more than our nutrition and exercise. This is especially true with children. Kids Calm is a natural approach to help children relax and calm down before bed. It’s melatonin-free, (which I am a huge fan of this approach), and it works by helping the body produce its own melatonin. Did you know that 80% of our melatonin is made in the gut? You will continue to see a trend here of focusing on the gut. It’s mind-blowing, right? When you are sleep-deprived, it spills over into your day. You are stressed, can’t focus, and moody. The ingredients in Kids Calm work on serotonin as well as melatonin levels. It has vitamins and minerals to enhance these areas. You will see the quality of sleep improve with more deep sleep and REM sleep. This is vital for the recovery of the body and mind each night. The best thing, it tastes AMAZING. They are in a gummy form and super clean. No artificial anything, no gelatin, just amazingness.
I take two of these each night about an hour before bedtime.
While I do love me some Kids Calm, it’s time to pull out the big guns for us adults. Most nights I take 2 Kids Calm gummies, but there are nights I do that AND Sleep+, and some nights I only do Sleep+. Honestly, that’s probably way too much, but hey, I can be over the top sometimes. The good news, it works on activating your own melatonin, so it’s not going to overproduce, it’s only going to produce what is needed.
If we have been friends for a while, you know Jer and I have been on an intense focus the last two years with our sleep. People who struggle with sleep either have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or they don’t wake up rested. When we began working with our health coach, this was THE VERY FIRST order of business. Get our sleep in line. The more we studied sleep, we realized it wasn’t just about the hours of sleep you got each night, but the quality of that sleep. How much deep sleep were we getting? How much REM sleep? This is when the body is recovering. Our WHOOP bands measure REM and deep sleep each night, and for the last two years, we have reviewed that data daily. If you want to get more info on how we do that, check out this post I wrote on Tracking Sleep With The Whoop Band. I have been pleased with our results as we have implemented changes, but when I began taking Sleep+, ummmmm, I couldn’t believe how much my restorative sleep improved. Because we measure our data, I could physically see this number improve. Like Kids Calm, Sleep+ doesn’t have melatonin in it, rather it activates your body to produce its own melatonin.
Many people will take a synthetic form of melatonin to help them sleep. This teaches the body not to produce its own melatonin. With Kids Calm and Sleep+, you are having your body do the work it’s supposed to do. You help it, rather than hinder it. The ingredient in both these products that activates this process, is corn grass. The very first question I asked Dr. Shawn, the genius behind all these products, was HOLD UP, corn grass…do we need to worry about pesticides? Great question, right? Have no fear. All ingredients are tested for heavy metals, pesticides, specifically glyphosate, and antibiotics. I am so thankful they have covered all the bases with the cleanliness of these products. With all that being said, you need to snatch this up and keep it by your bedside. I am FREAKING OUT EXCITED for you to get your hands on this hot bottle of supplements.
So, there you have it. That is what I currently take every single day and it truly is rocking my world. The way I feel and the data from my WHOOP Band, well, there is no denying there is something to all these products. I have implemented many things over the last two years, and this has hands down been one of the most impactful to date. Again, I can feel it, AND I can see my numbers improving. It just goes to show you, that so much of physical wellness is impacted by our mental wellness, but then also so much of our physical wellness (gut) impacts our mental wellness, they both go hand in hand. I can’t wait for you to see the same results I am seeing. It’s been such a blessing to find these products.
When you are ready to get started with these products in YOUR daily routine, you can check out this post Let’s Get You Started with a Bit of Happy from Amare. I spell it all out for you as well as give you a link for $10 off your initial order. Once your order is in, I will set you up with a series of emails to get you moving in the right direction. If you are ready to dive in now, this link will get you started and give you the $10 off, but I do recommend checking out the other post for more detailed instructions. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at and we will get you rockin’ and rollin’.
Woooohoooo, time to kick your happy up to a whole new level. Let’s do this!