Yay! I’m so excited you’ve decided to take this journey with me. Ok lets get started. First click this link and make sure “Member” is checked instead of “Retail Customer.” It’s the only way to get access to the kit and the 24% discount you get afterwards. It’s really important!
Next make sure my member number 1381206 shows up in both the “My Sponsor ID” and “Enroller ID” fields. It should if you clicked the link above but its always good to double check. This will make sure we stay connected on Young Living’s side of things. You’ll never have to sell anything (although after you fall in love with your oils, you’ll want to share with the world, trust me).
Ok just a few more steps. The first thing I suggest is choosing a premium starter kit. For $165 + tax/shipping you can get all the oils and cool stuff you see above and you also get a diffuser. Diffusing is one of my very favorite ways to use oils. Included in the cost is either the Desert Mist (my personal favorite) or the dewdrop. If you want to get fancy, you can get an Aria for $100 more but that’s up to you and your budget.
The second thing I suggest is checking out the Essential Rewards program. Yes I did say “rewards.” Who doesn’t love some free stuff?!? Basically what happens is you can sign up for a monthly box of goodies that you get to hand pick. The more you spend the more you get back! And you get gifts along the way for being a loyal customer. Now listen if its not in your budget right now or you’re still just checking things out, that’s totally cool. I don’t want to ever pressure you into buying anything you don’t want. However I feel the responsibility to be a good friend and let you know about all the things. Friends don’t let friends miss out on rewards.
There are a ton of great products to choose from. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Yay! You are a member! WooooHoooo. I remember how excited I was to receive my starter kit. Your membership will stay active as long as you spend at least $50 in a calendar year. You do not have to continue to “renew” your membership…that kit was a one time thing and you will remain a member as long as you spend that $50 a year. Which trust me…will never be a problem.
One last thing as you go and start stalking your mailbox every day for that YL branded box: we have a rocking cool Facebook community that has tons of resources for you to start reading about before your oils even arrive. To join The Mix community go here. I can’t wait to get you connected to all of the cool resources we’ve been creating. Oh oh and one more thing, I promise, you never ever have to do the business but if/when you’re interested, we have a ton of resources to help you with that too.
Ok let’s see, did I miss anything??? Nope, I think that’s everything for now. I can’t wait for you to start experiencing these oils that have made such a big impact on my family’s life in so many ways.